Finding Joy in the Storms

Life hurts. Sometimes it isn’t fair to us and we are just pounded with never-ending trials. 

Life is tough. It can feel like we can’t catch a break. 

Life is unpredictable. Sometimes God completely wrecks our plans with no warning at all. 

Lately, I have been in a painful season of life. For many months, my waning strength and hope have been greatly tested. I’ve been mad. I’ve been angry. I’m been depressed. I’ve been sad. And I’ve been absolutely and totally heart-broken. 

I know we have all been there; we all have times where we are stuck in the valley and the mountain doesn’t even seem to be in sight. 

But I believe it is during these painful times where God does the most work on my heart. He’s exposing the depths of my heart and together we are working through the pain and messiness. 

I’m not sure where you are, but I know that you, too, will experience some of life’s most horrific pain at some point. We must prepare for the storms. The Bible tells us they are going to happen. (John 16:33.) But we need to remember, our pain has a purpose, and even in the midst of our pain, there is so much joy to be found. 

More so in this season, I have struggled to find the good. However, one day I decided to make a list of all the good things this season has to offer me. At some point, I had to stop playing the victim, and realize that I am victorious in Jesus Christ, because He is my Victor.  While there are many more, personal joys that aren’t listed here, i’ve compiled a list of some of my favorite “joyimg_4575s” in this season of life that will hopefully offer some hope to you:  

1. Change often leads to exponential growth. 

2. Our life storms can bear witness to many. 

3. A Broken heart allows for My beautiful Creator to delicately stitch it back together piece by piece. 

4. Everyone has felt this pain to at least some degree, so we are NEVER alone. 

5. God has me right where he wants me. EMBRACE IT! 

6. I can focus my full attention on Jesus with less distractions. 

7. I am learning to relinquish my control and surrender it all to God. (If being in this painful season is what it takes for me to fully and completely do that, then so be it.)

8. I have the opportunity to reach more people and children than I did prior to this season. 

9. This season of constant change allows for me to heal so I can be a better Lindsey in the next season of life. 

10. God is in control. (What a relief) Ultimately His beautiful plan will prevail. He wants what is best for me, and His plans for my life are far greater than my plan for my life! 

11. He is working in my heart even when I can’t see, feel, or hear Him. 

12. Life is tough, but my Jesus is tougher. 

13. It is okay to not always be okay, because with God’s help and strength, eventually, we will become better than just okay. 

img_4581I encourage you to sit down and make a list of all the joys in your storms. Trust in God’s unfailing timing, and His unwavering faithfulness. 

Don’t ever forget that you are not alone. God has you right where he wants you, and you are going to survive whatever life throws your way, because our Lord and Savior is so much stronger than the work of Satan and our sin-filled world. 

Cling to the hope found in Jesus and don’t let go. Remember, NEVER stop smiling, even when it hurts 🙂  


P.S. I am ALWAYS here for anyone who needs to talk about life, faith, or your personal storms. I, too, would love to share my story with you!

P.P.S. Sunflowers just make me happy 🙂

Categories My Sweet Savior

2 thoughts on “Finding Joy in the Storms

  1. A year ago today was THE hardest day of my life. It was the last day I got to spend with my father, in this lifetime. It was also one of the best days as he sang hymns to me and made me laugh. He taught me to love Jesus, and YOU, my daughter, have kept me grounded in that faith. You are a beautiful person, inside and out. You make me so proud to be your mother. God blessed me with more blessings than I can count, but you, might sweet Lindsey, are one of THE BEST BLESSINGS he ever gave me. I love you! Mom


  2. Wow. #1 on your list hit me hard. I literally stopped the stair stepper! Jamie drug me out to exercise tonight because I spent the last 3 hours taking care of lots of details and ending up very stressed about this move that is suddenly only weeks away. In another month I’m starting a job I pretty much don’t know anything about! In my season of moving, I’m thankful for your sharing #1.


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